Sunday, 26 August 2012


     With Israel at the brink of imminent war, yet again, it is crucial to keep Israel and the inhabitants in our prayers and to do all that we can in an effort to support God's land and people during times of persecution.  The world and indeed the church are called now to wake up and to not only watch what is happening with Israel's surrounding enemies trying to annihilate the Jewish people, simply for being Jewish, whilst the world closes their eyes and currently stands with one foot on the brink of another hitler era.  It is here and now and we are to stop the annihilation of the Jewish people, who are the ones who have given us our faith, not vice versa, who are the ones chosen by God to do this and much more - to bring a fuller richness if we were to have a respect and deep study of the Word of God through hebrew eyes and seeking a revelation of the heart of God.  And His plan for the future and for a New Jerusalem.

If you have not learned to love the earthly Jerusalem, how then can you love the heavenly Jerusalem?

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Israel's Watchmen

Israel’s Watchmen

Close to The Heart of God

v  God wishes to be known as ‘God of Israel’ in His Word.
v  Scripture instructs Believers to support Israel.  Ps 122v6  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
v  I have made you a Watchman for the House of Israel.

‘Promised return of Israel:  Promised return of Israel:  I will gather you from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you’ve scattered and I will give you back the land of Israel again.’                                                                                                                             Ezekial Ch 11v17

Why We Believe In Israel: 

§  Israel is mentioned 2566 times and Jerusalem 811 times in the Bible.  The three pillars of Christianity – Faith, Hope and Love are mentioned 257, 129 and 310 times.
§  It is the Origin and Birthplace of our faith and where we will return eternally in the New Jerusalem and the Feast of Tabernacles will be celebrated forever.  You will be there.
§  Jesus is a Jew and our Roots are Judaic.  The history of the church began as Messianic Judaism and a spit created Christianity Judaism.  Today’s model and persecution from the church hampers evangelism to the Jewish People.
§  It is the Heart of God, His Choice and His Plan for the Nations.
§  We are to humbly remember we are the ingrafted branches and salvation comes from the Jews and is to the Jew first (God’s Word).
§  Every believer has a biblical obligation to pray for, support and seek salvation for the Jewish People and Israel.  This is a responsibility of the church and its members no matter the other individual callings they might also have.  This is integral to blessing, fundamentals of the Bible and our faith, and central to the End Time Plan for Israel and the Nations.

‘What is this proverb you have in the land of Israel:  The days go by and every vision comes to nothing.  I am going to put an end to this proverb, and they will no longer quote it in Israel.  The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled.’                                              Ezekial Ch11v21-23

What To Pray For:

§  Salvation for Israel
§  Peace and protection for Israel
§  Healing in the hearts, body and minds of all who live there.
§  Restoration through salvation in Yeshua, The Messiah, between Jew and Arab (brothers in the One New Man).
‘I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them, I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.’                                                            Ezek Ch11v19
§  God’s End Time Prophetic Plan for Israel and the world.
§  The Orthodox, The Army, War Victims, Israel’s Leaders and Children
‘carry their sons and daughters on our shoulders’
‘those who pray for the peace of Jerusalem will be blessed’


God’s attachment to the land:  ‘It is a land the Lord your God cares for, the eyes of the Lord your God are CONTINUALLY on it from the beginning of the year to its end.’                      Deut Ch11v12
Israel Central for God’s Plan for the Earth:  This verse mentions Israel as the centre of the earth.  ‘Tabbuwr’ in Hebrew which means bellybutton, where the umbilical cord between heaven and earth was once attached.  One day this will be re-attached in re-creation.                                                                Rev Ch21v1-4

We are living in very significant and serious times in which I hope you will not delay to seek the very Heart of God where you find… that God’s Word has not changed, nor has He changed and Israel is still Israel.   No other country of people have replaced this or His plan.
                God is a serious supporter of Israel which is the Jewish People and the Nation of Israel and has ALWAYS sent judgment upon those people, leaders and countries that have sought to come against His Promised Land and People.
                God identifies Himself as Israel’s God.  He chose her, shouldn’t we?
God supports Israel, shouldn’t you?
Jere. Ch31v35-36 He pledged to remember Israel for as long as the sun, moon and stars exist.  His support will continue until these celestial bodies disappear.  Those against Israel will have to find a way to remove these orbs from their God-given places!
                God ordained Israel and the Jewish People to be a light unto the nation and for salvation of those who believe.  Israel is God’s prophetic time clock for His plans and purposes for world events. 

We stand in repentance towards God, the Jews and Israel for the sin of replacement theology and neglect.  We are grateful for their sacrificial road which has brought much persecution and for keeping the word in tact.

Thursday, 9 August 2012


'Christians who lack sound biblical understanding are being tossed about by every wind of unfortunate, anti-Semitic doctrine', Israel's Teaching Letter, Bridges for Peace.

This statement is fully supported and lies in the realm of such extensive, albeit unfortunate, reality in today's society and more shockingly the majority of 'believers.'

Remarks such as 'Israel is for some'
'It is just for you or your family'
'It is a passion for you only'
'Israel is not involved in the End Times, and/or isn't a prophetic time clock'
'He will not return and place His feet on the Mount of Olives'
'Israel's significance, and that of the Jewish people, is only based on history and not future'
'It is not a responsibility and call for every christian'
'It is not central to our faith, the bible or a call to the church'
'Put your pride in your pocket and continue with people and leaders who disagree with Israel's centrality in our faith and God's plan...', or others willing to remain silent on the matter as opposed to standing up for what God says is Right...

These such remarks come from our local churches, and leaders who profess to love the God of Israel and His Word (profess to know the Word), which mentions Israel thousands of times in comparison to the three pillars of christianity, namely, Hope, Faith and Love.  Remarks as above simply seem to be HERESY IN A NEW SUIT, which one could not put more aptly, like Bridges for Peace have noted in their recent newsletter.  If one cannot agree with the significance of Israel in the Word, for every church & believer, and in our lives and prayers... then something is wrong, severely amiss and put simply out of alignment with GOD's Word, not man's.  There should be no war in speech over matters such as these, except between people of a different spirit and who are anti-semitic although they would not confess it, others a little more hesitant on the topic lacking revelation and not knowing His Word.

It is unfortunate that such anti-semitism exists today - not the apparent face but a new, subtle wave of not wanting to stand out from the crowd, or lose a church badge, or be willing to agree with GOD's TRUTH about His land, His plan, His people... not willing to stand up for the truth being spoken about the place Israel has in The Infallible Word of God, and in His Heart, and His plan for the End Times and the nations.

We have no guidelines to go by as great as this Book, the book, the Bible... which reveals right and wrong, etc, and also God's story of a Land and People,  who are central for His plan for worldwide redemption.

In Conclusion for now, become a student of the Word and remember de-zionising the bible is subtracting from the word of God... and being willing to agree with, or not agree but walk along with and be silent to such anti-Israel support... not being willing to stand up for God's Truth, is a silent form of anti-semitism in itself and disbelief in God's Word and His Plan.