Saturday, 8 October 2011

Yom Kippur

...started at sunset yesterday and ends tonight, Saturday 8th October.
On the Jewish Calendar, it is a New Year already and this is a week-end of reflection and forgiving/forgiveness on Yom Kippur.  A time of Atonement and Repentance.
As we make ourselves right with man, and before God, then God will make us right before Himself and before others.  The past year has already been recorded and a New Year is written ahead of our time... for us to take hold of.

Let us consider the Jewish bedtime 'Cheshbon Hanefesh':
  • What happened by day, what could you work on, what are you proud of or not proud of, who can you forgive, who can you ask forgiveness from, who could you apologise to, what are your future hopes?
Consider His ways, on Yom Kippur, which are Higher than ours.