Saturday, 8 October 2011

Yom Kippur

...started at sunset yesterday and ends tonight, Saturday 8th October.
On the Jewish Calendar, it is a New Year already and this is a week-end of reflection and forgiving/forgiveness on Yom Kippur.  A time of Atonement and Repentance.
As we make ourselves right with man, and before God, then God will make us right before Himself and before others.  The past year has already been recorded and a New Year is written ahead of our time... for us to take hold of.

Let us consider the Jewish bedtime 'Cheshbon Hanefesh':
  • What happened by day, what could you work on, what are you proud of or not proud of, who can you forgive, who can you ask forgiveness from, who could you apologise to, what are your future hopes?
Consider His ways, on Yom Kippur, which are Higher than ours.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Pesach (Passover) 2011

It is a special time of celebrating freedom and a new season!
Everybody needs a new start and a time of freedom from all the constraints that the world brings.
Today, we are still in crucial times for the entire Middle East Region as the ever continuing political hot-bed of the Middle East continues to moan and surge with poisonous fumes.  These are fumes of a history that was never, and may never, be put to rest until the end of time comes.
However, there is something that we can do as a people and as a nation of those devoted to doing what is right, to bring goodwill to humanity and of course to ultimately stand up for Truth.
Israel goes on to suffer persecution from the nations of the world and very real threats of life and death from all her surrounding borders.
It is our time to assist - in the many ways that we can - to support a maligned people who do nothing but seek to live a normal life.  It is the hour of need and the hour in which we are to stand together and in support of our biblical roots and responsibility towards God's plan, people, nation and vision. 
Isaiah 62 - For Zion's sake, I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, until her vindication shines out like the dawn.